I have a projector with big screen instead of TV. Every week we do a song of the week, usually one from Mr, Harry's Kindergarten. If you are not familiar, the students love the videos. He puts the words in the video so they can sign along. Be sure to check him out! Have Fun Teaching also has song videos. My students love The Noun Song. Check out WatchKnow also. I used Grammar Rock's Adjective song to introduce adjectives. Our system blocks out You Tube so I bought a program to capture the videos and save them on my computer. I can grab any video out there and save it to use whenever I want.
I also use my camera to make videos of my students singing. I just taped them singing the Days of the Week song we sing everyday during calendar. It is so cute! I have added to our video collection.
I also have IPEVO which I use for the usual activities such as showing games, books, etc. on the big screen. Sometimes I just turn it on and point it at the students. They get a big kick out of watching each other work, read, or play a game on the screen.
I LOVE Photostory also. It is a free, easy to use program for Microsoft. I use it to create my own book videos. I scan the pictures and read the story. Then make it into a movie for the big screen or my class website. I have also had the students read to make a movie. Each one will read a page or two. They get a big kick out of watching them!
I use Movie Maker to make movies out of pictures that I have taken. Every year I take pictures of Field Day and put them to the song Thank You for Being a Friend by Andrew Gold. I love using all the transitions I can! They love watching themselves and remembering all the fun!
This is my longest post ever so if you stuck with me this long...KUDOS to you! THANKS for letting me share!
Thanks so much for linking up! I just went and added Mr. Harry to my favorites on Youtube. I love your blog. Your games are FAB-U-LOUS!!!
1st Grade with Miss Snowden
Thank you for sharing!
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