I am sad to say that this, like all good things, must come to an end.
I hope that you have enjoyed playing along with me for My 12 Days of Christmas GIVEAWAYS as much as I have enjoyed it!
There is so much JOY in giving, especially during this time of year. I am overJOYed to have been able to give something not only to you, as teachers, readers, and followers but also to your students!! I hope they enjoy all the activities you share with them!!
And with all that said...
On the TWELFTH Day of Christmas, my blogger gave to me...
Click the picture above to grab your very own copy. ENJOY!!
**These downloads will only be available for one hour from 8:00 pm-9:00 pm EST.
As always...I only have one request.
PLEASE leave a comment below to let me know that you grabbed a copy so I can have some kind of idea how many are grabbed up. THANKS!
See you soon!

Hi! I tried to download but it said I didn't have permission? :) Lisa
Same here!
Same here..
Try again...I just relinked it!
Hey Kathy!
I am denied access to download the 12th day goodie as well. It has been such a treat to download you goodies for the past 11 days and now tonight is the last!!!Thank you from myself and my students. Can you please check on the download permission please? My email is cja1st@gmil.com
Thank you! : )
It worked! Thanks a bunch!
WOW! Thank You!
Thanks Kathy! You are amazing!
Swimming into Second
It was fun seeing your daily posts. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy holidays back at you.
It worked. OHMYGOODNESS!!! Thanks soooo much, Kathy!!!
Growing Firsties
Thank you so much
I have loved following along
So generous. Thank you!
This is so awesome! Thanks!
Got it!!!! Oh my!!! What a wonderful gift!!!!! Thank you!!!!!! Cindy
Kathy, that is super sweet of you! Thanks so much! I hope that you are feeling better by now. Happy Holidays to you!
Ѽ Lori
Teaching With Love and Laughter
Thank you so much, Kathy! Happy Holidays!
Miss V's Busy Bees
Thank you so much and Merry Christmas!
Thank You!
Thank you so much! I am preparing for the next month! You are awesome!
Thank you Kathy!
Email sent!! Thank you!! <333
Thanks Kathy!
Teaching With Style
Love it! Thank you so much for all your generosity!
So excited! Thanks for the making everyone's holiday brighter :o)
What an awesome gift tonight! It took me awhile to choose {especially since I own many of your things already}! Thank you!
Love the 12th day gift! Thank you!
Thanks again!
Yahoo!! Thank you so much!! :)
Thank YOU sooooo much!!
You are amazing!
Sweet Times in First
Thank you so much for sharing! Hope that you are feeling better.
THANK YOU! Happy holidays and thank you for all the JOY you have brought to us the past twelve days!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! If you ever apply to be one of Santa's Elves, I will be happy to write a recommendation for you!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! The 12 Days of Kathy's Generosity has been fun! =-) Thank you again for your kindness. Have a very Merry Christmas!
Oh, and it's my birthday so this was an extra delightful way to end my day. =-)
Thank you for being so generous!
Super wonderful way to end the day! Thank you so much for doing this. My class loved the first Color by Code paper that they worked on today:) Hope you'll put up some for sale for January/ Fecruary/ March! Merry (early) Christmas
Thanks so much!
Grabbed one! Thanks! :)
Thanks for all your generous gifts. You are amazing!!
I have so enjoyed the 12 days of Christmas :) Thank you again for all the goodies!!! I'm hoping that I did tonight's right :)
Thank you so much!
Much appreciated.
I grabbed it!!! Thank you so much!!!
Laura Pegram
Grabbed it earlier!
I grabbed it earlier! Have a Merry Christmas!
Thank you for all of your freebies! They are amazing-you are amazing!
Just wanted to follow up with you...I sent the email last night at 7:43 central time. Mine is cloneal1973@gmail.com
Thank you for the freebies. Love all of them!
Thanks for doing this. I just love gifts. I sent an email to you last night and my email is teecher4life@gmail.com. I love all of your games!
Hello! I sent you an email before 10 yesterday but haven't received anything - so just making sure you got it! Thanks for the 12 days of freebies!
This has been very fun. Thank you. What a way to build anticipation! I am looking forward to my 12th day freebie!
Hi there! Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts! I just showed the kids the Super heroes Can Add pack that I chose and boy are they excited! We start addition in January so it is the perfect "hook"! Can't wait for it to come!
Happy holidays!
I missed the last night, but still wanted to say a big THANK YOU!!!
Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
Just wanted to follow up with you...I sent the email Wednesday night before 8pm central time, but haven't recived anything yet. My email is rosyashish@yahoo.com Thanks!
Kathy, I downloaded your color codes for December that you gave away as part of your twelve days of Christmas, but there is a message that says I need a password to print the code pages. Do you have a code I need in order to be able to print or is this an issue with my computer? Any insight would be very appreciated! I love the codes and really want to use them next week. Thanks! Kris
Hi Kathy,I followed the directions for the 12th Day of Christmas wonderful gift on Wednesday but so far have not received an email with the game I choseyet from you. I think many of us are just hoping we did it right so that we can receive your generous gift! My email is cja1st@gmail.com I realize that you probably had so many to respond that you are swamped with trying to get the freebies out, if you could just respond on your blog or something like that telling you are working on getting them out, that would be awesome! We just love all you make and share!!! Cindy
Kathy, I found my 12th day freebie in my inbox this a.m. : ) What a treat!!!! Thank you for sharing in such a wonderful way! Hzve a very Merry Christmas!Cindy
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