On the SECOND Day of Christmas, my blogger gave to me...
A BRAND NEW game to practice addition fact fluency...
that is perfect for...
Common Core Standard 2.NBT.5 –Fluently add and subtract within 100.
PS. If you like the addition games like this, I FINALLY figured out how to make these games totally subtraction friendly for our students with my playing cards. Look for it soon!

Click the picture above to grab your very own copy. ENJOY!!
**These downloads will only be available for one hour from 8:00 pm-9:00 pm EST.
After that time, it will be ONLY be available for purchase in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
I only have one request.
PLEASE leave a comment below to let me know that you grabbed a copy so I can have some kind of idea how many are grabbed up. THANKS!
See you tomorrow for another gift!

Kathy, you are amazing!! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful talents! :)
THANKS Gladys!
thank you - so cute :o)
Thank you! I love the game!
Looks great! Thank you!
Heather (heathernnance@yahoo.com)
thank you so much!!! I love your work!
Thank you! You are so gifted!
Love this idea! Thanks for being so generous!!!
Amy :)
Super cute! Thanks for sharing!!!
Thank you :)
Can't wait to use it this week!
Super Sweet thanks!
Thank you for being Santa to MANY young learners!
Thank you, Kathy! Am printing and laminating now. =-)
Too cute!! This will be great practice for my firsties!! You never cease to amaze me!!! Thank you so very much for sharing your talents!
Ms. Jones’ Junction
Can't wait to use this fun activity to help my first graders practice their math facts! Thank you so much!
My students are going to love this!!! Thank you!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Endless Pinabilities!
Awesome! Thanks so much!
My firsties love the other games like this that I've gotten from your TPT store. They will really like one with Santa! Thanks so much!
Thanks for the freebie! This will be great in guided math!
Thanks Kathy!! I love it
Thanks, Kathy. This is fabulous. You are so generous!!!
I love this! Thanks so much for sharing!
Love love love this!!!! With so many different levels all my kiddos can play. You just made my stations and homework for the next three weeks so much easier to plan!!!! Thanks!
These are amazing Kathy! Thanks so much!
Swimming into Second
thank you for another amazing freebie! :)
excited to share this with my students! thank you:)
Thank you! This looks great!
Thanks Kathy!
Thanks Kathy!
I love this one! Can't wait to use it!
Thank you!
What a great game!! I'm excited to use it with my kids, it will be great practice!! Thanks!!!!
Thanks! This will be great for my MTSS Math intervention group.
I downloaded, thanks! It's great:)
Thanks for the free download! :)
Grabbed it, thanks! :)
Wow Kathy! I love these games and so will my students! Thank you!
A is for Apple B is for Blog
Thanks for the awesome download!
Love it! Thanks!
thank you!!
Thanks for the great freebie! We will love playing this during Math stations:-)
Wonderful... thank you. I'm sure my students will enjoy this game as much as all of your others they play :-)
Awesome...Thank You
Very Cute! Thank you for he freebie. The kids will love it!
Love this! We can always use some fact practice in my classroom. Thanks!
thank you love all of your stuff :) so amazing!!
What a fun game! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much! My firsties will have fun with this!
Thank you! :)
Thanks Kathy!! You are AWESOME! :)
Thank you!
Thank you so much! I'm so glad I remembered the time, it is dinner hour in CA. I am excited to use the number cards for my TK kids and a few of the game boards for my kinders.
Love your creativity and such a kind person to share!
Happy Holidays to you!
Tonia in CA
Thank you for being such a great secret santa!
yay!!! I love your "giveaways!" thanks Kathy!
Thanks so much! This is perfect for math during the next couple of weeks! I love your 12 days of Christmas!
Love it!! Thanks!!
Thank you, Kathy!
Funky First Grade Fun
Thank you! : )
Thank you so much! Just what my kiddos need!
Thank you so much! Just what my kiddos need!
Perfect for our counting on practice!
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you Kathy! You're so sweet to share! I have a few students still working on addition fluency. They'll love this!
Creative Lesson Cafe
Super Cute! Thanks!
THANKS everyone for stopping by!
Thank you !!!! :o)
Thank you so much! The unit is great, and we teachers get the FUN of a daily surprise!!! You're so sweet and generous!
We were out with family last night and I missed your freebie, but we're home tonight...so excited to get these great addition games! Thank you!
Teacher Gone Digital
**Sniff, sniff!!** So sad to be missing out on these stunning freebies! As I live half way around the world it would mean getting up every morning at 3am to download them!! ;) Michelle
Thank you for the great freebie! I misssed yesterday's (Saturday) but I'm making sure to keep up with the others!
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