The 6th Day of Christmas

On the Sixth Day of Christmas,

my blogger gave to me...

A NEW set of math sorts!

Click the picture above to grab your very own copy. ENJOY!!

**These downloads will only be available for one hour from 
8:00 pm-9:00 pm EST. 

After that time, it will be available for purchase in my

Be sure to leave a comment below to let me know that you grabbed a copy. THANKS!

P.S. I'm still replying to emails from last night. It will take me a couple of days to send out them all, so be patient.

See you tomorrow for another Day of Christmas!


Unknown said...

Got it! Thanks for another great set of sorts!

hsamuelson said...

Another wonderful math practice that's a valuable tool for assessing the kids with a little fun splashed in as well.! Thanks so much for your generosity!
♬Mrs. Samuelson's Swamp Frogs ♬

Unknown said...

Thanks again for being so generous.

gabypoons said...

Hooray! Thanks for the math help, as usual, super useful. Thanks a bundle.

kathy said...

Thanks so much for the sorts! They are awesome!

Suzy Q said...

Thank you!!

Ashley said...

Fun activity that sneaks in some practice! Thanks for sharing!

Sara said...

Thank you again!!

Anonymous said...

These are perfect- just what I need for the class I have now! Thanks so much for sharing again.

ronnie said...

Thank you.

Jan said...

Love all the different activities in this one. And I got last night's freebie in my email today. Love 'em all! Thanks so much for your generous gifts!!

Storie said...

Thank you for such a great pack of sorts I love that you included some that weren't just math facts.

Angie Rush said...

Thank you so much for sharing! These are perfect for my firsties! I just used some of your stuff in my room the other day. Thanks for helping keep me sane :o)

aes17 said...

Thanks so much! These are great!

Alexandra Smith said...

Im so excited once again for your creativity! Thanks for sharing this. This is just the kind of activity I was looking for- Thank you!!! Thank you again! :)

Lisa said...

Thank you! I have our classroom Elf, Chipper, ready to share a Naughty and Nice chart from Santa - this will be a fun treat from him!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! I know my firsties will love these!! They've played a few of your other Christmas games already and they love them!! :) Thanks again!!

Anonymous said...

I so appreciate this! Fun way to practice!

Tami said...

Super Duper! Thanks

Mrs. Jones Teaches said...

What a generous share! Thank you!
Sarah from Mrs. Jones Teaches :o)

Unknown said...

Thank you!!
Kickin It Whole Brain In Texas

Unknown said...

Fun! Loved the fb video! Thank you!

Elizabeth Polston said...

Thank you! These are cute and so useful!

Sarah Hankinson said...

Love these! Thanks!

Julia said...

Thank you!

Jennifer Stephens said...

I was able to get these on my phone and then it died. Sorry for the late comment, but thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

forgot to say thank you last night!

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