I Am So Thankful for...




 this year that I am having a SUPER GIVEAWAY to say

I am giving away the store,


That would be all of my single games listed in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. There are over 50 individual games in my store. Multiple game bundles are not included.

All you need to do to enter is to leave a comment below about what you are thankful for! Yes, it's that easy to enter!!

For additional chances to win my BIGGEST GIVEAWAY ever you may want to...

1.  Become  a FOLLOWER of  First Grade a la Carte or commenting below that you are a FAITHFUL FOLLOWER already.

2.  Add First Grade a la Carte to your Blog Roll, or tell a friend, and leave a comment below.

      *THANKS to EVERYONE who already has...I really appreciate you sending people my way!

3.  Blog about my SUPER  GIVEAWAY on your blog, or tell a friend, and leave a comment below.

4.  Become a FOLLOWER on Teachers Pay Teachers and leave a comment below.

5.  Leave a rating on a game that you have purchased in my Teachers Pay Teachers store and leave a comment below.

6.  Choose LIKE on my FACEBOOK page and leave a comment below. (Comments posted on Facebook do not count..sorry.)

 GIVEAWAY ends on Friday, November 18, 2011 at 3:50 pm...because that's when my Thanksgiving break begins!

Winners must be a USA resident, 18 years or older. Winners will be chosen by a Random Number Generator Selection.

**I apologize but I have to make a disclaimer that I can not be responsible if games are not clearly visible on your individual computer. All my games are converted to PDF files using a genuine Adobe program. THANKS in advance!


1 – 200 of 304   Newer›   Newest»
Holly said...

How awesome is that? I'm a faithful follower!

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

Holly said...

Honestly, I'm thanksful for my health - too many people are struggling with health issues around me...and I'm not. So thankful for that!!!!

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

Alyssa S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alyssa S. said...

I am thankful for my family, boyfriend, and friends! I am thankful for my first classroom ever this year (of kindergarteners AND first graders) and for passing my Reading MTEL for my Masters last weekend!

I am a FaiThFuL FoLLoWeR with your blog bookmarked on my DROID. Keep up the great work! :)

-Alyssa S.

Lori Rosenberg said...

I am thankful that there are so many wonderful and talented teachers who LOVE to create exciting activities and share them with all the other amazing teachers out there! Oh, yeah...and I'm thankful for my family, my health, and my job! ;)

Meredith Gilbert said...

I am a follower of your blog!

Meredith Gilbert said...

I follow you on TPT, too!

dbturner said...

I am thankful for many things, family, friends and good health. I am thankful that there are so many wonderful first grade teachers out there in blog land who work so hard to make teaching easier for me after 28 years!

Actually Kristen said...

I'm thankful for days off! (everyone needs a little time to recharge from the kiddos! so looking forward to Thanksgiving!!!!)

Lori Rosenberg said...

I already follow your blog.

Actually Kristen said...

I'm a faithful follower of your blog!

Meredith Gilbert said...

I am thankful that I joined the blogging world this summer! I am addicted now but am getting so many awesome ideas for my classroom!

Actually Kristen said...

I follow you on TPT

Lori Rosenberg said...

I follow your TpT store!

Holly said...

Added you to my blog roll!

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

Actually Kristen said...

I've told all my colleagues about you (and some parents too)! My kids love games--helps make learning so much more fun!

Amy Harris said...

1. I am a follower of your blog.
2. You are on my blog roll :)
3. I am thankful for the little first graders I am currently student teaching, and for all the wonderful idea sites available on the web...especially this one!!

Holly said...

I "liked" your facebook page!!!! :)

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

Robinson Family said...

I'm thankful for my family

Stephanie Ashley said...

I am thankful for teachers who are willing to share their great ideas.

Becki said...

I am thankful that I'm saved! that my awesome husband is my biggest fan, that I have sweet children and 2 gorgeous granddaughters, that I get to make a difference every day in a child's life.

Becki said...

I follow you on Facebook.

Becki said...

I follow your TpT store.

Becki said...

You're on my blog roll. Thanks for sharing such great stuff.

Anonymous said...

Today I am most thankful that I do not have to go out and rake leaves! I feel very lucky to live in a community that takes care of yards and leaves.
I am also thankful for my fantastic group of kiddos and the new new principal at my school.
Ms. Howell

Erin said...

1. I am thankful for the 1st child that will join me and my husband in March!!
2. I follow your blog.
3. I follow your TPT.

Thanks for all the wonderful ideas you have! I enjoy "stocking" your blog! :-)

Alyssa S. said...

Oh, I forgot to leave my email address!

thanks :)

Teresa said...

I am thankful for SALVATION! Thank you Lord for providing a way to escape!


Teresa said...

I follow your teacher store!


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my wonderful husband and family. I am thankful for my job and the wonderful world of blogging teachers that help me with many great ideas. I am thankful for having the job of seeing smiling faces everyday and being able to make a difference in my students.

kinderpond said...

I am your follower!


kinderpond said...

You have been on my blog roll :)


Cam said...

I am thankful for my wonderful students, who listen to and respect me- even if they don't treat the guest teachers the same way (ps any advice on curing this with my third graders would be great)

I am thankful to be following your blog here and now on facebook-thank you for the great ideas!


Kathy (kheineck1@wi.rr.com) said...

I am SOOOO thankful for blog spots like yours. You are literally saving me. I am back teaching first grade after being out of this grade for 35 YEARS!!! I have used your materials numerous times this year - thank you!

YearntoLearn said...

I can't name all the things I'm thankful for: family, my job, my dog and much more.

YearntoLearn said...

I've been a faithful follower and give thanks for that!

Jenn Lynch said...

I am a new follower and love your ideas.
I am thankful for my family, friends, health and for working at a wonderful school with a great principal. (Of course I am thankful for super bloggers like yourself and for sharing such wonderful ideas!)
Jenn Lynch

YearntoLearn said...

I follow your TPT store.

YearntoLearn said...

I liked you on FB.

YearntoLearn said...

Your blog button is on my blog.


Unknown said...

I am thankful for God, my family, my students, my church, my coworkers, and for being able to adopt our foster child within the next few months.

Unknown said...

I follow you on facebook

Unknown said...

I also follow you on TPT.

See Me Teach said...

I am thankful to have a full time job doing what I love-- teaching Kindergarten! And I am thankful for all the bloggers out there who inspire me with great ideas and resources :)

See Me Teach said...

I am a blog follower!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my family and my job. I love my students and am blessed that I get to see them every day. I am also thankful for creative teachers like you!


Anonymous said...

You're on my blog roll :)

Keys4Education said...

I'm thankful for my life. I have a wonderful family, boyfriend, friends, and class! What else can you ask for in life? :o)

jennkeys @ gmail . com

Keys4Education said...

I am a faithful follower! :o)

jennkeys @ gmail . com

Amy said...

I am a faithful follower and ABSOLUTELY LOVE all of your awesome creations!


Amy said...

I also follow your TPT store!


Keys4Education said...

I shared with all of my twitter friends about your fabulous blog! :o)


jennkeys @ gmail . com

Keys4Education said...

I follow you on TpT as well! :o)

jennkeys @ gmail . com

Amy said...

I am very thankful for my wonderful family, amazing job, fabulous husband, and all of the fantastic blogs I follow. I could not be more blessed!


kathy said...

I am thankful for all the awesome sharing that teachers do. I owe so much to so many that I will probably never meet in "real life."

kathy smith said...

I like you on Facebook.

kathy smith said...

I also follow you on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Melinda said...

I'm thankful my awesome husband!

Melinda said...

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful that there are so many awesome teachers that are willing to share ideas with each other. I do follow you on facebook and TPT

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love your games! I am a faithful follower!

Anonymous said...

I don't have my own blog to blog on, but I have told my grade level friends about your blog. They love it!

Janine said...

I am thankful for freedom. The freedom to speak and to write what is on my mind. God is Good!

Faithful in First

Janine said...

I am a very faithful follower!

Faithful in First

Janine said...

I am a follower of your TpT store.

Faithful in First

Janine said...

I am also a fan on FB.

Faithful in First

Janine said...

I blogged about the giveaway here: http://faithfulinfirst.blogspot.com/2011/11/first-grade-la-carte-i-am-so-thankful.html

Faithful in First

Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

I'm thankful for my health and family :)

Journey of a Substitute Teacher

Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

I'm a faithful follower :)

Journey of a Substitute Teacher

Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

I already liked you on FB :)

Journey of a Substitute Teacher

Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

You are on my Blog Button Boulevard and blogroll :)

Journey of a Substitute Teacher

Samantha said...

I am a thankful follower!
I am thankful for my Google Reader because it actually keeps the blog feeds of the blogs I follow...for some reason, I keep showing as not following people I KNOW I follow! =)


Unknown said...

I am so thankful for my family, friends, and discovering teaching blogs!

Unknown said...

I'm a faithful follower of your blog :)

Unknown said...

I'm a follower of your TPT store!

Ashley said...

I'm one of your faithful followers :)


Ashley said...

I am thankful for God's provision, as He has proven Himself faithful to me over and over.

guldensteinnicole said...

I and thankful for god, my husband, and my health.
I follow your blog and store.

Mrs. Yazzie's Classroom News said...

I am thankful for God. He is always there, always has a heart for people, and proves His love over and over and over, even when we/I let Him down!

Mrs. Yazzie's Classroom News said...

I am a follower!

Mrs. Yazzie's Classroom News said...

I have "liked" you on Facebook.

Mrs. Yazzie's Classroom News said...

I follow you on TpT.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my wonderful husband, my family, my friends, and my students!

Anonymous said...

I follow your TpT store!

Anonymous said...

I like you on facebook!

Gladys said...

I'm thankful for God's provision, family, friends, and freedom. God truly knows what we need and He provides!

I'm also thankful for all the sweet teachers in blogland that create wonderful activities and make my job as a first grade teacher so much easier! Thank you all!


Mrs. Yazzie's Classroom News said...

I provided feedback on a slides and ladder sight word game I purchased from you.

Marcie Evans said...

I'm following you to the moon & back! Well, actually on your blog, FB, and TPT. :) I love your ideas! Plus you're on my blog roll AND I've blogged about your giveaway. :o)

I am thankful for lots of things - First of all, my sweet hubs that understands what it means to be married to a teacher. It's not just "free summers"! I'm thankful for a job that I'm passionate about and I'm thankful for a wonderful support system in my school. When I combine the school with my online support system - it makes the job MUCH easier! I'm also thankful for my sweet puppy! :)

Mrs. Lott said...

I am thankful for all of the teachers who put stuff on their blogs to share! As a new teacher, I am thankful for those teachers who share as it makes my classroom a better place for my students. I am also thankful to have a wonderful teaching job and a wonderful husband who just spent two hours in my classroom helping me hang art work and prep for the week!

Anonymous said...

I'm a faith follower!! Not a member but check the site at least once or twice a week! I'm very thankful for my job, classroom and kiddos. This past April I was told I would no longer have my job due to budget cuts. Thankfully I was able to find a new job closer to home in the school district I wanted to teach in. I have a lot to be thankful for this year! :)

Heather said...

I am thankful that my husband has found a job after being let go from his previous job in April. I am also thankful for the wonderful family that helped us get through those months when I'm not sure we would have made it.


Chelsea said...

I heard about you recently and LOVE all your ideas! Internet is such a great thing and being able to share ideas across it makes life easier for everyone.

Personally, I am thankful that my boyfriend of 4 years is and has been for a year CANCER FREE!!
I am also thankful for the lives I will get to touch as a teacher, especially in my school i am currently student teaching in (thankful to be graduating in DEC!) and will be long term subbing in a first grade classroom starting sometime in January!

Heather said...

I am a new follower to "First Grade a la Carte," though I follow privately.


Mrs. Brown said...

I followed your blog!


Mrs. Brown said...

I followed your TpT store!


Fitbecky said...

I follow your TPT Store.


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my husband and two wonderful sons!

Shelia said...

I am thankful for a God that loves me and takes care of me. I am thankful for my family. I'm thankful for my 2nd grade class. I'm thankful to be alive!

Shelia said...

I am a follower of your blog! Love your ideas! Great giveaway!

Shelia said...

I am a follower of your tpt store.

Laurie said...

I am a faithful blog follower

Lawandasu said...

Wow! This is a great give-away.
I am a faithful follower!

Laurie said...

I am a faithful tpt follower!

Maria Phillips said...

I follow your awesome blog! I am thankful for my health and happiness!

Laurie said...

I "Liked" you on facebook a long time ago!

Laurie said...

You are on my blog roll.

msjonesjunction said...

I am a loyal follower of your blog!!

Mrs. Brown said...

Your blog has been on my blog roll!



Mrs. Brown said...

I blogged about your giveaway@



Mrs. Brown said...

I like your Facebook page!


msjonesjunction said...

I am a follower of tpt store!!! Love all of your ideas!!! What an awesome give away!!!

msjonesjunction said...

I have rated several of the games that I have purchased from your tpt store!!!

Jen R said...

I am already a faithful follower of your blog! :)

Jen R said...

I am follow you on FB! :)

Jen R said...

You are on my Blog Roll AND I have your button on my blog! :)

Jen R said...

I am already a follower of you on TpT! :)

Jen R said...

I blogged about your giveaway! :)

Kate Sullivan said...

I am a follower! I am thankful for awesome bloggers who open up their classrooms to us every day! :)

Ali said...

I am thankful to have such wonderful family and friends in my life!


Ali said...

I follow your TpT store too!!


Anonymous said...

I am a follower! :) I am thankful for my health as well as my family's health!


Lisa R. said...

I am thankful for so much...family, friends, a great career that I love, and this wonderful blogging community!

Lisa R. said...

I am a faithful follower already!!


Megan said...

I'm thankful for my job- as crazy/stressful it can be sometimes! I'm a new teacher and am continually at the bottom of the seniority list but somehow have made it through all the budget cuts the past 2 years...and for that, I am thankful.

Megan said...

And, as a new teacher, I'm a faithful follower...thanks for all you share!


Yvonnee said...

I am a follower

Yvonnee said...

I am a follower of your TPT store.

Amy Coates@ SweetExpectations8 or TheClassroomPet.blogspot.com said...

I am thankful for the world of blogs!


Amy Coates@ SweetExpectations8 or TheClassroomPet.blogspot.com said...

I am a follower of your blog!


Yvonnee said...

I emailed about your blog to my friends.

Amy Coates@ SweetExpectations8 or TheClassroomPet.blogspot.com said...

I follow your TPT Store!


Amy Coates@ SweetExpectations8 or TheClassroomPet.blogspot.com said...

I like you on facebook!


Amy Coates@ SweetExpectations8 or TheClassroomPet.blogspot.com said...

I blogged about your AMAZING giveaway at theclassroompet.blogspot.com


Mrs. Saoud said...

I'm a faithful follower and love your blog!

Mrs. Saoud said...

I follow your TpT store too!

Mrs. Saoud said...

I've rated all my purchases from you. =)

Marilyn said...

I'm thankful for generous blog friends.♥♫

Marilyn said...

I am a follower.♥♫

Jackie said...

I am thankful for my family, friends, dogs, and my blog family.

Marilyn said...

Like you on Face Book.♥♫

Jackie said...

I follow your blog

Jackie said...

I follow your TPT account

Jackie said...

I follow you on facebook.

Jackie said...

I have used several of your games in my classroom. The Chutes and slides with upper and lower case letters. Also, the back to school with colors. The nursey rhymes counts by 5's and 10's.
Thanks for all the great games that I can use with by students. They love them.

Marcy said...

I am a follower of your blog. I am thankful for my family and my job!!

Rachel said...

I'm thankful for creative teachers who are willing to share their resources that make my job easier! I'm also thankful for my little boy who will turn 2 years old in two days!!!

Ed Link - First Grade

Rachel said...

I've also been a follower since you started this blog!
Ed Link - First Grade

Rachel said...

You're on my blogroll!
Ed Link - First Grade

Rachel said...

I follow you on Facebook :o)

Ed Link - First Grade

Mrs. D said...

I am thankful for my wonderful husband! :)

Mrs. D said...

I'm a faithful follower!

Brittany Rae Beaumont said...

I am thankful for teaching blogs! They have completely reinvented my teaching!

Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful ideas and products with us!

I follow your blog and TPT store. I have given a top rating to the product that I purchased from you. You are always one of the first sites that I tell my teacher friends to visit as they enter the world of teaching blogs. And I've liked your FaceBook page. I'm a huge fan! :-D

Rachel said...

I follow your TPT store.

Ed Link - First Grade

Amanda Taylor said...

I am thankful for my husband and puppy, my family and friends, and wonderful teachers who share ideas!

Delena Allen said...

I am thankful for my wonderful family and friends.

Learn with ME in Grade Three

add said...

I am thankful for teachers like you who share their ideas that help ones like me that is new to the 1st grade--even though I have taught for 20 years--just upper grades.
Thank you so much!
Audrey Devoll

Karen said...

I am thankful for all of the teachers who take the time to create blogs and share their wonderful ideas!

Christin said...

I'm thankful for my wonderful family, friends, and health.

Holly said...

I am thankful I found your sight this week. Even though I do not have my own blog, I am so thankful that there are teachers who blog and share!

Christin said...

I follow your wonderful blog.

4torock said...

I am thankful for my awesome kiddos- kayla, Jaxson, Cash, Emma, Theo, and Briggs- I am a better person because of those babies of mine!!
What a blessing this blog has been for our family to! thank you!!

Christin said...

I also like your facebook page.

Christin said...

I also follow your teacher pay teacher.

4torock said...

Follow your blog for SURE!! thank u:)

Holly said...

Whoops! I meant to write site and not sight. Although, your site has opened my eyes to so many different activities!

Delena Allen said...

I am a faithful first follower. It is hard to believe that it has almost been a year when you were so excited to tell all of us at school (you know what I mean). I am so proud of you! Thank you for sharing and being an inspiration.

Learn with ME in Grade Three

Heather said...

I am a Faithful First Follower!


Delena Allen said...

I "like" your facebook page

Learn with ME in Grade Three

Heather said...

I am very thankful for my Savior, my husband, kids, family, students, friends....I could keep going on and on.


Heather said...

I have already "liked" you on Facebook!


Delena Allen said...

I have not blogged in FOREVER---so, so busy, but I did blog about your giveaway.

Learn with ME in Grade Three

Delena Allen said...

OK-I am a follower on your TpT store.

Learn with ME in Grade Three

Delena Allen said...

You were the first blog on my blogroll.
So glad that we are friends!
(Lucky me, I work with Kathy! We share lots of ideas.)

Learn with ME in Grade Three

angelajw777 said...

Wow what a generous giveaway! I follow you and Faithful in First.

Leslie Copen said...

Love your blog. I am a follower for sure! I am thankful for fabulous ideas that we can share and of course time with my son!

Liz said...

I am thankful for my own family. :)

I am a faithful follower.

Happy Thanksgiving!


s said...

I love reading your blog! You have awesome ideas that are very helpful! Thanks for sharing your teaching talents! Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful that my Mom and I are both cancer free!


krazykindergarten said...

I am thankful for my family and my health.

krazykindergarten said...

I am a faithful follower! Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas!!

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful for my husband and two step-children that live with us. I am also so thankful for your blog!


Teresa said...

I am so thankful for my wonderful family and friends. I am also so very thankful for teachers such as you who share their talents with those of us who don't have that talent!! It is appreciated.

sarah said...

I am thankful for my kids! Hubby too! :)


Sandra said...

I am thankful for my family (wonderful husband and awesome 4 year old), my job, and my friends!!


Sandra said...

I have been a follower for a couple of months and love all of your ideas!

Sandra said...

I told a friend about this AMAZING giveaway and she is now a follower!


Sandra said...

I follow your TpT store!


Sandra said...

I also like your FB page!


Anonymous said...

I am so very grateful for a Savior who died and rose again. That I a bridge of Christ to heaven. That love gives me a greater fulfilling love with my husband.

Kristin said...

I am a follower of your blog!!! I am thankful for your blog!!!! :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Anonymous said...

Wow, losts of comments! I am thankful for my family and their health. Also, I am thankful for all the wonderful ideas I've recently found on this and other blogs plus pinterest!

Emily Rocha said...

I am thankful for my wonderful husband! We are going to celebrate our first anniversary on December 18!

Emily Rocha

Unknown said...

I am thankful that I have been married for almost 14 years and we
both continue to fight to make it work. You are on my top sites page on Safari and I follow you daily. Thanks for all the great ideas!

Barb said...

I am a follower of your blog! I love it! Avondale7@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I am thankful that their are teachers like you!

Cat;rina W said...

I am a faithful follower! Love your blog!

Cat;rina W said...

I am thankful for too many blessings to count. I am thankful to be a two-time cancer survivor. I am thankful for my loving husband. I am thankful for my twin daughters, who bring me more joy than I ever though possible. And I am thankful for the opportunity for a chance to win your entire collection!

Diane said...

I am so very thankful for all the gifts God has given me. These include finding your blog and the blogs of other teachers that love teaching as much as I do. Being willing to create and share so many wonderful activities that will help create an exciting learning environment is such a wonderful gift of giving.
It is my hope and prayer that we can also teach the children to be thankful and give what they can to others.

Cindy said...

I am thankful for so many things - family, health, friends, six year olds and awesome teachers who share their wonderful ideas on their blogs!! :o)


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