Happy Hunting for five special eggs!!
HINT: Finding these...
Will lead you to this...
*Leave a comment below to let me know you found some eggs. BUT Shhhhh...don't tell where you found them! We wouldn't want to ruin the fun for someone else!!
Also, I'm having a one day EASTER SALE...
Click here to check it out!

So fun and cute! Thank you, I found some eggs. ☺
First Grade is Fantabulous!
I found some eggs! Thanks Kathy this is always so fun! Happy Easter!
Found all 5! Thank you so much!
Found 3...then ran out of time. Thanks for sharing!
Found all five! Thanks so much!
Thank you!! I can't believe it I found all 5!! I almost gave up!
Happy Easter!
Kickin It Whole Brain In Texas
Thank you! What a fun and inspirational hunt!
Thank you! I discovered a whole bunch of other great activities from hopping around. Love them!
Woo hoo- I found all 5 eggs PLUS a bunch of other really cool activities. I'm walking away with more than 5 prizes! Thanks so much. I tried this at St. Patrick's Day & gave up because I couldn't find any- so I feel like I won the lottery this time. Thanks again! Happy Easter! Carol
Wow! This is hard...or else my brain is tired from a busy Easter Sunday! I did find 3. Thank you!
I found all 5! Thank you!!
Found all five. I am determined, if nothing else! Thank you for the fun. (Several sessions!)
Thanks Kathy!!! I found all 5 eggs and the coins I missed from March! This was a nice way to brighten my sad day (my district is striking)...
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