Another activity that I have my students do while I talk with parents at registration is to write their name on a precut laminated sentence strip and put a magnet on the back. These last all year long. Then they will place it on the board under the happy face for being a friend to Miss Law by following directions..
Parents get to see their child's name under the happy face. Then when students come home and tell them about their day, parents know what their children are taking about.
Above are some examples of the happy and sad faces that I use. I have one for every theme, holiday, and season. I change them frequently. I print them on colored card stock or I have colored them. I laminate them and put a magnet on the back to attach to the whiteboard.
In my classroom, students earn their names under the happy face by doing what they are suppose to. This is how it works:
Each morning students come in, take their backpacks to their desk to unpack, put homework books in the basket, and go to the bathroom. Then they begin working on what is on their desk for morning work. It is always something they can do on their own. I begin calling student names to put their names under the happy face for doing what is expected.
Before morning announcements, everyone's name is under the happy face. What they do with it from there is up to them.
As the day progresses, one can take their name off the happy face. It then goes back to the basket until they earn it back under the happy face or under the sad face. This goes on throughout the day. A student can make a bad choice, put their name under the sad face, and earn it off for turning the behaviors around. I'm always looking for students making good choices!
The students are the ones who move their names because they are the ones who make the choices about their actions. I am all about CHOICES!
Every time a student moves their name, I relate it directly to a rule.
Come back to find out how this helps me, what happens with the names at the end of the day, and SUPERSTARS.
DON'T FORGET to check out The Lesson Plan Diva's Linky Party to find other ideas for classroom management.
P.S. No, clip art doesn't come this way. I MAY have done some editing.
This definitely works for Miss Law! SO cute-now put your name under the happy face for making good choices.
Learn with ME in Grade Three
I love this as a Welcome Activity! Great idea. Thanks for sharing ^_^
Do you have these happy/sad faces in your TpT store? I love this idea. Just wondering how to get those adorable faces to go with each month.
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